Trials of a Photographer on Holiday- A retrospective

The rain welcomed me back home and a week has passed enabling me to get the trip into perspective photographically speaking. These days I tend to let a period of time pass before beginning my editing workflow. I find that my assessment are more objective and there is less of an inclination to beat myself up for, as I perceive it, failing to nail a shot. Anyway very soon I will have an objective view on the overall quality of the images shot in the two weeks in and around Tucepi.

My purpose of this blog is to take a retrospective look on my photography adventures during the holiday. First and foremost relying on my Sony 70-300mm G lens was a Big mistake. I took a significant number of photos using a Canon S95 compact to cope for the need for a wider lens. On the positive side taking a flashgun/strobe was really beneficial.
I hadn’t departed my home shores with the idea of writing a blog but on arriving in Tucccepi one of the hotel benefits was free wi-fi,which is very unusual in my experience. It was an opportunity to good not to miss. A exchange of e mails with Gordon, KPC chairman, and I was ready to go. Part of the reason for writing a blog is because part and parcel of my working life was to write sales and presentation documents plus a regular communication newsletter. The use of language as an integral part of my daily life was something I missed since my retirement.

As an avid I Pad user the ability to edit photographs was at my finger tips allowing me to include images from my Croatian travels within the blog posting. Well that was the plan but it proved not to be that straight forward. As a big fan of Nik Software Snapseed is on my I Pad as is Photoshop Touch. I had edited images on my I Pad before but not to the extent to say may ability was totally proficient. One aspect that proved problematic was the ability to resize my images to meet the size requirement of WordPress. It anyone knows of a way to do on a mobile app I would love to hear the solution. Another, albeit more of a niggle, was achieving fine adjustments using my finger tips. At home sitting in my study bedroom is a stylus compatible with the I Pad, which will be in my bag for future trips. This will be alongside my Sony camera USB port cable. As this was missing from my travel kit it meant I could only download images from my Canon compact as my adaptor will only take SD cards.

There was the opportunity to try long exposure images. My failure to include and a remote release restricted my exposure times to 30seconds.

Trying to embrace photography when on holiday with your partner/wife is not easy. Add to this need to find a acceptable compromise the tightly controlled holiday company trips. My constant battle is to explore compositions without invoking the ire of the tour guide and my partner. The free time allowed outsi the controlled always requires the need to compromise to avoid the rest of the holiday being overshadowed by periods of dark silence!

On the positive side there is always time to read and this I used to good effect to improve my knowledge and broaden the understanding of flash/strobist photography. There were moments to put my newly acquired skills into practice in the latter stages of my time away.
However, the positive was the opportunity to get out at dawn. The cleaners store room was close to our room and their working day commenced at 6.30am. This proved to be my early morning alarm as they clattered their mops and brush loading the trolley. This enabled to watch dawn arrive over the mountains on a number of mornings. I love that time of day.

The photographic highlight was the discovery of a vandalised abandoned building. Over the last couple of days I had opportunities to explore the ruins. I subsequently became fascinated by the back story of Hotel Jadran. These few sentences about Hotel Jadran are really a trailer for a blog to be written next week.

Until the next time.

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